The BSMA has many roles but, most importantly, it is responsible for training teachers in the Suzuki Method. The BSMA also organises national concerts every two years at such prestigious concert venues as The Royal Festival Hall in London and Symphony Hall in Birmingham. The BSMA is responsible for the guardianship and promotion of the Suzuki Method and name in the United Kingdom. The BSMA also looks after the Suzuki teachers and families who are its members.
Members of the BSMA may participate in Workshops, National Concerts, Summer Schools, Graduation, Conferences and other events organised by the association. Members receive an annual magazine with articles relevant to the Suzuki method. Members can order music by email from the BSMA bookshop and have it sent direct to their home with a discount off the list price.
If you would like to find out more about the BSMA please visit the The British Suzuki Music Association Website.